Slow E-Conference Programme: Women’s Resistance to Feminism(s) in the USA, 19th-21st CEnturies

Women’s Resistance to Feminism(s) in the USA, 19th -21st Centuries

Phase 1: 1-30 March

Phase 2: April 1-3 2021

This is a slow e-conference.

In phase 1, attendees are invited to read, listen and watch the papers listed below and post comments & questions for speakers in the comments section of each panel.

In phase 2, speakers will answer those comments and questions in a series of live Zoom sessions (times and dates for these can be found below).

If you wish to attend the conference, please email us at by 26 February 2021 and we will send you the link to the conference website.



Ronnee Schreiber

San Diego State University

Live on Zoom on Thursday April, 2021

                5.00 P.M Paris time


Antisuffragism and Antifeminism

Thursday April 1, 2021

3.00-3.45 P.M Paris time

Chair: Claire Sorin

 Katharina Vester (American University, Washington D.C): “An Appeal to American
Women: Discussions of Antisuffragism in Late 19th century Cookbooks”

 Rachel Nolan (University of Manchester): “‘The Anti on the Cartwheel’: Charlotte Perkins
Gilman’s War against Antifeminism, Then and Now”


Anti-Second Feminist Wave Rhetoric: Focus on Two Conservative Voices

Friday April 2, 2021

2.30-3.30 P.M Paris time

Chair: Marc Calvini-Lebèbvre

Amélie Ribieras (Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle): “Resisting Feminism through Discourse : a Framing Analysis of Phyllis Schafly’s Rhetoric”

Blandine Chelini-Pont (Aix-Marseille Université): “Midge Decter ‘s Iconoclastic Critique of the Women’s Movement” 



Contemporary Forms of Resistance to Feminism

Friday April 2, 2021

4.00-5.00 P.M Paris time

Chair: Claire Sorin

Delphine Beaujeon (Université de Lorraine): “Using Women’s Voices to Reframe the Anti-
abortion Discourse: Unplanned and Abby Johnson as the New Pro-life Weapons of the Anti-
Abortion Movement”

Marion Douzou (Université Lyon 2): “The Julia Learns Children Series and #1972 : a Case
Study of Antifeminism in the Tea Party Galaxy”

5.30-6.30 P.M Paris time

Eleonore Cartellier (Université Grenoble-Alpes): “The Internet Missionaries: a Study of Women’s Anti-feminist Discourse on-line”

Fatma Ramdani (Université de Lille): “Fighting Women’s Reproductive Health and Rights:
Trumpism at Work at the United Nations”



Intersectional and Theoretical Perspectives

Saturday April 3, 2021

4.30-6.00 P.M Paris time

Chair: Nicolas Boileau


Méline Kasparian (Université Bordeaux Montaigne) : “A Kitchen of their Own : Alternatives to Mainstream Feminism in Contemporary Chicana Writings”

Cécile Coquet-Mokoko (Université Versailles-St Quentin) “Black Feminism and White Feminism: an Impossible Dialog?”


Jill Drouillard (East Tennessee University): “Gender Critical Feminism as a Form of
Resistance to Feminism”